7 MAY 1859, Page 15

Zinn to tljr Etitur.


titli May 1859., Srn—Sir Eardley Wilmot, in his valuable scheme for a Reform May pub- lished in your last number, assigns Members to the Universities of London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, but would make the constituency consist of Doc- tors and Masters of Arta. I do not know how this would accord with tl)e constitution of the Scotch Universities, but surely the right of voting shed be given to the members of Convocation of the University of London. Such is the case at Oxford and Cambride, where, I believe, Convocation or the Senate elect the Members. It is true, that only Masters and Doctors are admitted into those bodies, but the system of special examination for the higher degrees at London, has rendered it necessary to make Bachelors of a certain standing Members of Convocation, and if they are qualified to vote inthe affairs of the Universi4-, they are fairly entitled to the Parliamentegy franchise. Moreover, time constituency would, on Sir Eardley 's plan make the University something like a close borough ; for, while there are less than ISO Doctors and Masters of Arts, there will be nearly 1000 gra- duates entitled to claim admission to convocation by the close of the present year. The interest you have expressed in University represesstatrinn-n. duces one to request your insertion of this correction of Wir.E.hnot. splay. A.