7 MAY 1870, Page 2

The terms of the "'amicable undenitanding " are now undergoing

discussion in the Parliament of be Dominion. It is proposed 'by the Bill as introduced into the Assembly of the Dominion, as far as we understand the telegram, that a province is to be cut out of Prince Rupert's Land and called Manetoda, which is to cover virtually the Red River Settlement. The province is to extend from 960 to 98° 15' west longitude, and from 49° to 500 30' north latitude. The province is to be governed as usual, by the everlasting two Chambers,—nobody seems really to believe that concentration of authority is of -the least advan- tage,—the first to be nominated, And the second to be 'elected by household suffrage on the basis of one year's residence. Manetoda is also to be represented in the Parliament of the Dominion by two senators and lour representatives. An annual subsidy is to be paid by Canada amounting to 80 cents. per head of the population, with an additional sum of £6,000 (430,000). One million two hundred thousand acres are to be reserved for the extinction of Indian titles. The expedition to restore order, which the Minister of the Dominion says will be "one of peace," is to consist of one-fourth Imperial troops, and three-fourths Cana- dian Volunteers, and a quarter of the expense will be paid by England.