7 MAY 1898, Page 25

Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand. By T.

M. Hocken. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 113.) — This jumble of undigested memoranda on the early settlers of Dunedin by a local doctor is, we fear, likely to prove of very little assistance to the future historian of New 'Zealand. The most interesting chapter (with portrait) is that dealing in a few pages with George Rennie, who was the projector of the Otago settlement, New Zealand, and one of the founders of the Reform Club, London,— which should have his portrait as well as the citizens of Dunedin. Unfortunately Dr. Hocken's research has not been sufficient for the task of gathering much that is historically valuable even concerning this memorable pioneer and reform !r. The remainder of the book lacks all interest save to a few old residents of Otago and Dunedin.