7 MAY 1977, Page 18

Sixth form?

Sir: I have followed Christopher Booker's recent series of articles faithfully week °Y week and to begin with I found them inter; esting and controversial. But I now feel thad they have deteriorated — they have the kirlh of content that one might find in a Sit, Form magazine written by a reasonav,...'s bright prefect who had attended all '11 General Studies periods. The attack on Le Corbusier recentlY readi too much like one of those dreadful schod°8 essay answers on 'Why I think Leonard° ,5 Vinci was an idiot .. .' or 'Gladstone bungling of the Home Rule issue.' re I've nothing against Mr Brooker 's i°"tie nalism, but could we have something al,ithis more substantial in those areas beyono " particular expertise?

Hywel James 5a The Croft, Old Town, Hastings, East Sussex