7 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 13


WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 2.-Memorandum : the half.pay of the undermentioned officers has been cancelled from the :id inst. inclusive, upon their receiving a commuted ance for their commissions-Lieut. F. FL tile, hall-pay unattached ; Ens. 1). Livingston, half-pay 0Ist Foot ; Ens. W. A. vela.. hauspay New Brunswick Fencibles ; Lieut. ii. 1. Ramos, half-pay i11th Foot ; Lieut. E. Holimn, half-pay Ottth Foot ; Liem. W. Millgtev, half-pay Royal West India itaogers; nutlet, half-pay tlth Foot ; Ells. b. Cameron, half-pay 70th Foot ; Lieut. J. A rci,ludd, half-pay 3:41 Foot ; Lieut. C. T. Grant, half-pay let Foot ; Assist.-S lir. T. Pack, lizilf-pay :Mt In Foot ; Lieut. B. Walsham, half-pay Chasseurs Britannique-Assist.-Sur. J. 'Morrison, late of the 23t1 Foot, has also been allowed to retire from the service, receiving a commuted allowance for his corn mission.

0 vri rE or' ORDNANCE, Nov. 2.-Royal Reg. of Artillery : Capt. and Brevet Maj. T.A. Bramireth, to be Lieut.-Col. vire Skinner, deceased ; Sec. Capt. G. J. Belson, to be Capt. vice Brandreth ; Capt. F. NVeston, from unattached halfpay, to be Sec. Capt. vice Belson ; First Lieut. and Adj. W. H. Beot, to be Sec. Capt.-Corps of Royal Engineers : Capt. A. Frazer, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Rom illy, retired by the sale of his commission ; See. Capt. J. S. Macaulay, to be Capt. vice Frazer ; First Lieu t. A: Walpole, to be Sec.

Capt. vice Macauley ; Sec. Lieut. G. Borgmann, to be First Lieut. vice Walpole. •