7 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 2

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The Court of Common Council assembled on Tuesday; when Mr. Wire, after an eulogium on the conduct of Lord Mayor Winchester for refusing to accept a challenge from Mr. Rotch, gave notice of a motion,

4, That this Court, reprobating the unchristian practice of duelling, do agree to present an addres to his Most Gracious Majesty, praying him to dismiss born his service any person who shall send or accept a challenge to fight a duel."

Mr. Baylis gave notice of a motion to the following effect,

"That this Court do petition the House of Commons to take into imme- diate consideration the laws which regulate the Registration of Voters at Elec- tions for Members of Parliament, with a view to simplify and facilitate the mode of acquiring the elective franchise."

. And Mr. Wood also stated, that he should bring forward a motion for the sale of the Maria Wood, City Barge, and for the reduction by one half of the sums now allowed to the Committees for eatieg and drinking.

The Port Committee of the Common Council have recommended that the passage through the Pool should be narrowed by 50 feet, not- withstanding so many accidents occur from its being already too con- tracted. This recommendation will surely not be acted upon.

The inauguration-dinner of Mr. Alderman Copeland, as Lord Mayor Elect, took place on Monday, at the Goldsmith's Company's Hall. The only account of the proceedings is a garbled one in the Tory papers. From a paragraph in the Morning Chronicle, we infer that no reporter from that office was invited to attend. The health +of his Majesty's Ministers was exceedingly well received; though it is not noticed at all in the Times report, while "the Duke of Wel- lington and one cheer more" is said to have called forth "loud and long-continued applause." On Tuesday, there was a meeting of the Marylebone Loyal and Consaitutiolud Association, in Harley Street ; Captain Jonas Ryder Burton in the chair. Captain Burton, our readers may remember, was the Tory candidate for the Tower Hamlets at the last election, when, out of a constituency of 23,000, be polled 465 votes. His ora- tory was also remarkable,—" My colours is nailed to the mast" being his favourite expression. We suppose the gallant Captain has views upon Marylebone at the next election. He is a candidate of whom the Tories may well be proud.