7 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 7

Marshal S it ( President of the Council


and Mini,ter of War ; M. Gnizot Foreign Affairs; M. Duchatel Interior ; M. Human's Pittance; M. Martin (du Nord) Justice and Public Worship; Admiral Duperre.. Marine and Colonies;

M. Villemain Public Instruction ;

M. Cunin-Gridaine Commerce and Agriculture;

M. Taste Public ;Worke.

The following emphatic order of the day, bearing date " Paris, 30th October 1840," has been addressed by 1Niarshal Souk to the French army.


" Soldiers!—The confidence of the King has just rcp:aced me at your head. I have accepted the honour to command you, certain to Mil you still devoted to the performance of the dutas imposed on you by th„i laws, th, regulations of the service, and the glory of French arms. Ol.o.lece: to your chief, the vigorous observance of discipline, punctuality in the s.:rvis..e, and the mainte- nance of that military fraternity which constitutes th: aulon and strength of armies, are what the King and the country (nee; of you. and what they will find always amongst you, as in the finest periods of our annals. You under- stand me. You know that I exact much—that I never tolerate either neglect of service or forgetfu1tv2ss of duty but you know also, that Inv solicitude for you, for the preservation of your rights, for the amelioration of *your condition, never slumber, and that I am always happy when I cao obtain revel rewards for my companions in arnis. I rely upon you, as you ought to rely upon me, whether when, in concert with our brava Ni bath Ina unite for the preservation or or,Lr and to insue respv, tl,g King calls upon us for the def,mce of the territory, ;Lc I. of France. " The President of the Council and Minist2r of \\ .r.

" Marsha: 11, DALMATIA."