7 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 7

N.: , ■-• c The Paris correspondent of the Mereine Pee"

se:..s. that Queen Chris- tina was going to Paris, lay her own wish : Ceet the marriage of her daughter with one of Louis Philippe's s,ms is telked of: ml,.1 that it was generally believed that a coalition would take plaee betw,:ea the Spanish Carlists and Mo.lera,los. This 1 ,oks like a nr.Ins.:f.te:or:1 r,-1:,,rt.

Some of the raprietors of grml:;..'..i. near Paris had tsken the opinion of counsel on the rizht of Governnicat t-i appropriate their Ian 1 for the purpose of fortificaon. Couasel were of opinien, that serh an import- ant measure as thet contained in the ordinance of S se,...n6vr 10th required the sanction of a law, and that the proprietors might resist the appropriation under the ordinance.

A fracas took place at the Paris Opsrse eon, '. Or. 7":2.11 7 -y night, be- tween M. Emile C.-1,..'' , this suit ..• -: ':.. P., • :‘ 1. Bergeron, one of the editors of the Sn. ele. It :cp. .. ,5-s -'- - . oienee of


some observations in the Prcss,, M. 11....-,_. .11-e to M. : 11 - , tions objected to were not such a: t ) V....17....7 Girardin ; which the latter deceit:ed. or: :S., a of this refusal, M. Bergeron t-esoli-,1 : : r;.-, : outruqc aimilust M. (Ii rardi a: wh ., l'. ' . 1:-.wet.r:a-- ..-_..iaence . a friend 1 act of of this intention, has for son e., des ,. e cane. On Sunday Main, 31. OiraraL .si.. wife ; and whilst sitting.in the box. M.. 1.12:::' _ . AI a blow on the face in the presence of the 55 ], I 31: (5 seslia im- mediately rose, and would have see ' ..1 :,1.. Beee : 1 s had not made his escape. 31. Bergeroa is sae'. e, l, ;lee p. rs.,-. e .. was tried.

some years ago for an attempt to shoot the liaese es ' , . I for want of proof.

'rise trial of Darna,s before use Peers v 1. 'eel . is .:.:c after the address of that Chamber is voted, i s... ,- .. ... .: ,.. :. ; . i'.:ee met again on Fri les .55 t.:,. residence of the I at,- 1 . ;

' ... :AL' morn-

mg she Ilt.lt.'cu-.11-.■.- pri.i•urations TOlInd l::,' ' 0: :■:.• 1..lx,-T.1.)ourg were commeneee.

Revolution of 1830, being revived. he report exeies 1 esene anger in
