7 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 9



No change of importance occurred in the English Funds till Wednesday; when extensive sales both for Money and Account depressed prices; and the market (which had previously given indications of improvement) closed heavily at a de- cline of nearly per cent upon our last quotations. When the intelligence from Portugal arrived yesterday, the aspect of affairs was completely changed; the tone of the market restored; and as the Bank Broker bought extensively, a rise commenced, which has continued today, until the price of Consols for Money was at one time per cent above the lowest and closing quotation of Wednesday: a slight downward reaction has since occurred, and the closing price is h below the highest of the day. The alarm occasioned by the fear of a military inter- vention in the affairs of Portugal has subsided; and as the further prorogation of Parliament has put an end to all anticipations of an immediate pecuniary grant for the relief of Irish distress, two great causes of excitement are removed. Money is not quite so abundant as it has recently been, and the rate of discount may be quoted at from 3 to ah per cent. The Northern exchanges experienced a decline this afternoon, in consequence of a corresponding movement in Hamburg; where, as in the whole of Germany, money is in great demand, the rate of dis- count being 5 and 5h per cent. Silver is very scarce in the latter city; and as the circsmstance must lead to an export of bullion thither, we may look for a further decline in the rates of exchange. In the Foreign Market, the transactions, though not large, have been more ex- tensive than usual. Both Portuguese and Spanish Bonds have improved; the same cause that produced an advance in the English Funds having caused a rise in those securities: the rise in both cases has been about 1 per cent. Spanish Bonds are rather flatter today, but Portuguese are unchanged. The transactions in Mexican and the South American Stocks have not been important. The intel- ligence from Mexico has not been of a decisive character, and the tendency of the Stock is still downwards.

Considerable activity has been apparent in the Railway Shares; and some ex- tensive fluctuations may be noticed in Birmingham and Oxford Junction and North Staffordshire. The general tendency has been upwards, although the prices of this afternoon are in each case about 10s. a share lower than the highest quo- tation of the week: both varieties, however, close at an advance of about 11. upon our last quotations. The guaranteed shams are generally sought after, and ad- vancing, while those of the great lines seem to be gradually declining. The Foreign Shares are generally very heavy. The summer traffic upon the Great Northern line of France has ceased, and the revenue appears to be in a constant state of decline. The price, of course, follows the state of the traffic - t4bles. All the other French Shares participate in the downward movement.

In the case of the Paris and Lyons, the general pressure is aggravated by the failure in Paris of a large speculator and a projector of one of the companies farmed to bid for the Paris and Lyons line; by which a large qnantity.of shares have been thrown upon the market, and the price depressed (for the firstlime in the history of these shares) to a trifling discount.

SATURDAY, Twatve o'Crecc.

An.influential seller having appeared, the English Funds are now j per cent lower than yesterday; the price of Consols both for Money and Account being 991 A. No change of importance has occurred in the Foreign Funds, which are all at yesterday's quotations. Some considerable bargains have occurred in the Hallway Shares, and thegeneral tendency is upwards. Both North Staffordshire and Birmingham and Oxford Junction are higher. The only transaction recorded in Foreign Shares is one in Great Northern of France at 6 premium, being 58.a share lower than the last quotation of yesterday. The following are the principal bargains effected: Aberdeen, 20; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 21; Caledonian, 231; East- ern Counties, 22#1; Ditto, New, 71; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 751; Ditto, Half- shares, 20; Lancaster-and Carlisle, 69; Ditto, New, 34#; Exeter, Yeovil, and Dor- chester, 31; North-western, Quarter-shares, 231; London and York, 21; Man- cheater and Birmingham, 75/: Midland, 135 1331; North British, Half-shares, 10#; North Staffordshire, 3 prem.; South-eastern and Dover, 351; Great North of France, 11. SATURDAY, Two o'CLoca.

In closing, the English Stocks are slightly firmer than they were in the morn- ing; the business transacted in them has however been unimportant. In the Fo- reign Market no change of consequence has occurred. The business in Railway Shares has been extensive; in most cases the higher class of Shares are heavy, but those of the guaranteed lines are in demand; prices generally advancing. We have to notice the following transactions in addition to those given in the morning. It will be seen that in many instances the closing prices are lower than those of the earlier part ofthe day. Aberdeen,20 191; Ambergate, Notts, and Bo-ton, 2j 3; Caledonian, 231 44; Ditto, Half-shares, 21; Eastern Counties, 22# 4; Ditto, New, 7i 11; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 76 5; Ditto, Half-shares, 261; Great South- ern and Western, (Ireland,) 294; Lancaster and Carlisle, New, 10#; London and North-western, 1984 74; Ditto, Quarters, 234; Ditto, Fifths, 16# # 16; London and Brighton, 591 1; London and South-western, 681; Scottish Midland, 131; South-eastern and Dover, 351; Ditto, New, No. 4, 21; York and North Midland, Half-shares, 491, York and Selby, 86; Boulogne and Amiens, 144; Dutch- Rhenish, 54; East Indian, 1; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 111; Luxembourg, 11; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 41 1; Paris and Strasbourg, Constituted, 31; Sambre and Meuse, 41 #.

3 per Cent Consols 941 Danish 3 per Cents ...... ... 86 8

Ditto for Account 941 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 58 91 3 per Cent Reduced 932 1 Ditto 4 per Cents. 941 5'

31 per Cents 954 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846. • - 214 22 Long Annuities 95 15-16 New Grenada 20 21 Bank Stock 204 5 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 38 40

Exchequer Bills prem. 11 14 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845

India Stock 257

Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 G Belgian 44 per Cents 94 6 Chill= 6 per Cents 95 7 Columbian ex Venezuela 15 16 3

19 41 Russian 5 per cents 01112 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 26 4

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37 1 Venezuela 40 2