7 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 9

We have been requested to notice the death of a

deserving labourer in literature, with the hope that a knowledge of the. circumstances may draw some beneficial aid to his family. On the 16th October, died Mr. John Rowbotham, the author of many educational works in science and classi- cal scholarship, which are so much esteemed as to have been translated into several Continental languages. He laboured hard, in order to establish some kind of provision for his family; but in vain. Latterly he continued his toil under great mental anxiety and bodily suffering; and now, dying at the comparatively early age of fifty-four, he leaves a numerous family without support. Mr. Rowbotham's attainments, personal worth, and very amiable conduct, obtained for him a large share of esteem; and it is pre- sumed that his former pupils will not learn these facts without a disposi- tion to aid his bereaved dependants.