7 NOVEMBER 1885, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SES,-I shall be much obliged if you will allow me to explain through your columns that the article appearing under the above title in the current number of the Oontenvporary Review was, from the accident of the writer's being abroad, never seen in proof, and has one or two misprints which convey the exact opposite of his meaning. The most important are on p. 668, where the.printer has changed " reasonable " to " treasonable ;" and on p. 672, where " exercise " should be " exorcise." I should also remark that as the article left the writer's hands before Cardinal Newman published his animadversions on Dr. Fairbairn, it was impossible that it should contain any reference to the Cardinal's paper.—I am, Sir, &c., WILT iais Beau, D.D.