7 NOVEMBER 1885, Page 2

In our remarks last week on the attitude of the

Bishops on the question of Disestablishment, we overlooked the address of the Bishop of Ripon to his Clergy. We are glad to welcome him among the prelates who have wisely striven to save the Church from the peril of political partisanship, and who, though strongly opposed to rash and crude schemes of Disestablishment and Disendowment, have too much faith in the Church's inherent strength to indulge in language of craven and exaggerated panic. The Church of England has survived crises more serious than the present, and she will survive this also. And when the crisis is past, those will be recognised as the wisest of the rulers who have recognised, as the Bishop of Ripon does, that the strength of the Church lies chiefly "in quietness and con- fidence," and in the faithful discharge of her duties.