7 NOVEMBER 1896, Page 13

The Question of Copyright. By Geo. Haven Putnam. (G. P.

Putnam's Sons.)—Mr. Putnam gives us in this volume a second edition, revised and enlarged, of his work, published originally, as he tells us in his preface, in some haste, immediately after the passing of the Act (United States) of 1991, in order to give the public, with as little delay as possible, an idea of the requirements and consequences of the new legislation. Mr. Putnam had an honourable share in bringing about the passing of the Act, and was no friend to the restrictions (as to local production) which diminished its acceptability. He records with disappointment that no progress has been made towards removing these restric- tions. In fact, with Mr. McKinley looming in the near future as a possible or even probable President, the progress has been the other way. Still, the Act was something, at least to authors, and Mr. Putnam deserves their gratitude.