7 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 31

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—The baker in

our Warwickshire village tells me that the average consumption of bread in a working man's family is about four and a half small (i.e., 24d.) loaves per head per week. And the keeper of our Co-operative stores gives me to understand that a family of six persons will use nearly I lb. of tea per week. Take a family of six persons, and suppose that the 24d. loaf goes up only to 3d., that will mean an increase of is. lid. per week in the bread bill. How much a pound is tea going to be to enable Mrs. Workingman to save Is. lid. on i lb. of it P—I am, Sir, &c.,

Ric. 0. ANHETON.

Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, W.