7 NOVEMBER 1908, Page 13


The Doctrinal Position of the Assyrian Church. By the Rev. W. A. Wigram, M.A. (S.P.C.K. 6d.)---The Bishop of Salisbury has furnished a memorandum on the relation of the Anglican Church to the separated .Churches of the East (the Armenian, Egyptian, "Assyrian," &c.) which are not in communion with the Orthodox Eastern Church, on the one hand, and have not sub- mitted themselves to Rome, on the other. The one with which we have had most to do is the Assyrian or Nestorian. Whether this alternative name is rightly applied, and what it really connotes, is the subject of Mr. Wigram's essay. The beginning of trouble was the term Theotokos, which Nestorius would not accept. Christotokin he did not, or at least those who bear his name do not, refuse to acknowledge. Probably, if any one not acquainted with the controversy were asked which of these two seemed preferable, he would not hesitate to choose the latter.