7 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 9

Small Country Houses: their Repair and Enlargement. By Laurence Weaver.

(George Newnes. 15s. net.)—There may be different opinions as to the wisdom of repairing, or the justification for enlarging, an old building : adding, for instance, a modern house to a Surrey barn. The danger is a tendency to insincerity and pretence. But if the task of enlargement is to be undertaken, it is as well to have good examples of work to which to refer. Mr. Laurence Weaver, whose skill and learning in matters architectural are un- questionable, has selected forty examples of repaired buildings, and writes judicially of the results, satisfactory and other- wise; he says much that needed saying of the folly of faking exteriors and the pitfalls awaiting the amateur. The plans given with the photographs are attractive.