7 NOVEMBER 1947, Page 16


Sut,—I much enjoyed Sir Norman Birkett's delightful article Hymns and the People ; but am sure he did not mean to write: " Lo! He comes with clouds descending,' is inseparable from Calcutta.."' It is indeed inseparable from " Helmsley." In the English Hymnal it seems rightly restored to " From Greenland's Icy Mountains," as Bishop Heber of Calcutta himself wrote it for his famous hymn. In many books that is set to " Aurelia " ; but " Aurelia " is inseparably associated with " The Church's one foundation." Again, I cannot help thinking that Sir Norman meant to write that " All hail the power of Jesus' name " was inseparable from " Miles Lane." In four leading books I have before me that is the only tune ; whereas "Diadem " is not in these hooks at all. Does he mean "Diademata" so often used for "Crown Him with many crowns "?

—Yours faithfully, EDWARD KOCH. The Vicarage, Forty Hill, Enfield, Middlesex.