7 NOVEMBER 1970, Page 18

Death by merger

Sir: 1 hope that Dr Bernard Øi (Letters, 31 October) doesn't CIF that I was criticising either hini New Scientist, on the contrary, I have the greatest admiration for both. The point of my article was to draw attention to a merger which, I feel sure Dr Dixon will agree, is detrimental to British science and science journalism. I trust I made it quite clear at whom my criticisms were directed. On the questions of fact: I can say that less than two months ago someone in a position to know informed me that the New Scientist deadline had been brought forward progressively from Tuesday to Monday and then to the previous Friday with but a page or two left until Monday for late items. If this situation no longer obtains, I am pleased to hear it; and I con- gratulate Dr Dixon on persuading the iPc to revert to a Tuesday deadline. As regards the threat of disciplinary action, all I can say is that my information differs from Dr Dixon's. One should bear in mind that, in a situation such as this, pressures tend to be subtle, but real nevertheless.

Peter I. Smith 32 St. James Close, Hanslope, Bucks