7 OCTOBER 1843, Page 2

Zbe Court. MERE has been rather more stir at Windsor

Castle this week, and business has intruded. On Saturday, Prince Albert came to town, in a carriage-and-four, to transact business at the office of the Dutchy of Cornwall. Quite unexpectedly, he was accompanied by the Queen, and the Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenbourg; who remained at Buckingham Palace until the Prince returned from Somerset House ; when the whole party set out for Windsor, returning by the Great Western Railway.

l'AltrloCouncil was held at the Castle on Monday. It was attended

.4.44-014%. lbert and several of the Ministers. Besides the issue of a atiojt\ about Wales, and some other business, Parliament was to further prorogued, from the 19th instant to the 14th eot t 1-4;1 But more agreeable pursuits have occupind the time. On Tuesday, the Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied-by. the Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe, went to visit the Dateless of Gloucester, 'at Kew; and took the opportunity of viewing the old Palette and the Botanic Garden; where Sir W. J. Hooker was presented to the Queen, on his recent return with the Antarctic Expedition. On the same day, the Imperial Grand Duke Michel (the brother of the Emperor) of Russia, arrived at Windsor Castle, with Prince Dolgorouki,

and the rest of his suite. His Imperial Highness landed at Blackwall, from a Rotterdam steamer, on Sunday, and proceeded to Mivart's Hotel ; where the state-apartment was in readiness for his reception. He soon displayed the activity in sight-seeing common to royal pleasure-hunters:

on the day of his arrival, he went to see Baron Brunow at Ashburnham House, and the Zoological Gardens ; on Monday, to see the Horse Guards, Stafford House, the new and old Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall, and the Surrey Zoological Gardens. A number of distinguished persons left cards at Mivart's daily. Captain Meynell, Groom-in-Waiting to the Queen has been appointed to attend on the Grand Duke.

The Datchess of Kent joins the circle at the Castle, as usual ; and among the visiters have been Sir Robert Peel, the Duke of Wellington, Count Pollon the Sardinian Minister, Lord and Lady Stanley, Viscount and Viscountess Canning. On Wednesday, Prince Albert took Prince Michel round the Castle grounds, and showed him St. George's Chapel. On Thursday, the Prince, the Grand Duke Michel, the Prince of Hohenlohe, Prince Dolgoronki, and the Earl of Liverpool, spent some time in the sport of shooting, at Flemish Farm. In the afternoon, the Queen took an airing in a phaeton, with the Princess of Hchenlohe ; the Princes all riding on horseback, and a numerous party following. Yesterday, there was a grand review of the troops stationed at Windsor, for the entertainment of the Royal visiters ; the Princes, with the Commander-in-Chief, being on the ground ; the Queen, the Princess of Hohenlobe and the Dutchess of Kent, on the Eastern terrace; and a host of spectators on the terrace overlooking the Park. The review was over by half-past eleven o'clock. Prince Albert accompanied the princely guests to see Sandhurst College ; after which he returned with the Prince of Hohenlohe to the Castle, while Prince Michel and his suite returned to Mivart's Hotel.

The Duke of Wellington and several other visiters also left the Castle yesterday. The Prince of Wales was conveyed to the Castle, from Brighton, on Monday.