7 OCTOBER 1893, Page 1

It is not easy to detect the plan on which

the Matabele are acting ; but it seems certain, from the latest telegrams (Cape, October 4th), that they consider themselves at war with the Chartered Company, and that their Impis are swooping towards the frontier, taking, however, an unexpectedly west- ward direction. Are they, perhaps, intending to strike between the forts and their southern support P Dr. Jameson, who is in command, is evidently perplexed, and has sent out three parties of horsemen to ascertain, if they can, what the savage plan of operations is. It is stated that Dr. Jameson has one thousand efficient horsem'en with him, supported by galloping machine-guns; and the orders not to engage unless attacked have been withdrawn. They have only produced intense irrita- tion at the Cape, where the Colonists exclaim that the London Government is impartial between white men and savages ; and hold that to be something like a crime. They need not be afraid. There is no feeling here for the Matabele as there was for the Maoris; and if there were, the savages would soon ex- tinguish it by some massacre of their slaves or tributaries.