7 OCTOBER 1893, Page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Singular though the misunderstanding may be, it is, nevertheless, true that many people, who one would have thought to be better informed, are under the impression, since the publication of Professor Poore's annual Report and return under the Act regulating vivisection, that vivisection is on the decline, and that licences to vivisect have decreased in the " past year by one ;" but many are still further mistaken in that they believe vivisection to be "almost prohibited." As one who endeavours to disabuse the mind of every erro- neous accumulation in regard to this question, perhaps you will allow me to give here the correct figures from the official return itself. In 1892, those who held licences numbered 108, as against 52 in the previous year, and 42 ton years ago ; and of these 125 actually experimented, compared with 109 in 1891, and 26 ten years previous. As readers will remark, this is a rapid and exceptionally enormous increase; especially so when we recall the public feeling which found vent against the revolting and heinous practice for the same period.

Under the heading of licences, if those who held them observed the requirements of the law, the experiments should all, all, have been performed under anesthetics, A certificate dispensing the operator from using anything to save suffering, however, can be had, and of these 92 were taken out last year; and, be it marked, were actually used, as against 84 in 1891, and 16 ten years previous. In the new return the total of experiments carried out numbered 3,960, against 2,061 in 1891, —meaning more than 2,239 experiments on animals fully alive to pain. Thus we have here the proof, culled from official sources, that vivisectional experimentation, instead of having decreased, has actually increased,—that increase a most extensive one, too; and that so far from its being now " almost prohibited," the scope is greater, and the ghastly business quicker than ever.—I am, Sir, &c., JOSEPH COLLINSON.

Front Street, Wolsingham, County Durham, September 28th.