7 OCTOBER 1911, Page 12


The Records Unrolled. By E. S. Buchanan, M.A. (John Ouseley. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Buchanan is an energetic champion of the old Latin version as against the Vulgate and of the textus receptus as against that which may be conveniently described as the Westcott and Hort text. Here is a sentence which sets forth his view in a characteristic fashion. "The Vulgate of Jerome in its emenda- tions of the old Latin has all the faults of our Revised Version, a slavishly literal adherence to a deteriorated and harmonized Greek test, a lack of variety and colour, a great regard for grammar, and an almost equally great disregard of rhythmic and idiomatic expression." The words which we have italicized indicate a certain rashness in the writer. But Mr. Buchanan is not a man to hesitate. He insists, for instance, that the concluding verses of St. Mark are a genuine part of the Gospel. He seems to have taken great pains to acquaint himself with the characteristics of the New Testament MSS. (of the forty which he catalogues he has, he tells us, examined all but six). His book is interesting, but it is too manifest that the writer slew alai:matsres.