7 OCTOBER 1911, Page 17

We may now take such events as are worth putting

on record in the order in which they happened. The period allowed by the Italian ultimatum to Turkey expired at 2.30 p.m. on Friday week, and since the Turkish reply to the ultimatum was considered unsatisfactory Italy at once proceeded to establish a state of war. The Turkish reply was expressed in

temperate language. It pointed out that numerous difficulties had stood in the way of progress in Tripoli and Cyrenaica, but that when allowance had been made for these it was untrue that hindrances had been put in the way of Italian commerce. " On the contrary, it has always appeared normal and rational that Italy, by her capital and industrial activity, should aid in the development of this part of the Empire." The text then goes on to declare that there is no disorder in Tripoli and no sort of anti-foreign movement. It is explained that no Turkish transports were sent to Tripoli with intentions hostile to Italy. In conclusion, Italy is begged to hold her hand and state what guarantees of satisfactory economic treatment she requires. The Porte undertakes to agree to such guarantees as do not affect Turkish territorial integrity, and promises while the matter is being discussed to make no military preparations in Tripoli and Cyrenaica.