7 OCTOBER 1911, Page 18

In this connexion we note with interest the manifesto issued

on Thursday evening by the Executive Committee of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen condemning the principle of the sympathetic strike, and expressing the belief that "the continual growth of the spasmodic and unauthorized strikes will undermine and destroy the best results which trade unionism and collective bargaining have achieved in the past." As against these reassuring signs of the return of a more pacific temper in the labour world, we regret to note that the prospect of a national stoppage in the coal industry is brought nearer by the decision of the Miners' Federation, which has been sitting at South- port during the week, to support the Northumberland miners in their demand for a minimum wage and the abolition of the three-shift system. It is noteworthy that in the election of representatives of the South Wales Federation on the executive of the National Federation three moderate leaders have been displaced by three extremists.