7 OCTOBER 1922, Page 2

The Sunday Express is one of Lord Beaverbrook's organs, and

the article about Sir Basil Zaharoff has been attributed to him. Whether he was the author or not we may at all events safely assume that an article on so delicate and important a subject had his full sanction. We congratulate Lord Beaver- brook most sincerely upon the public service he is doing in bringing this subject forward. We do sot ourselves pretend to

know enough about Sir Basil Zaharoff to offer a judgment. Indeed we know very little. All we can say, and we say this with all earnestness, is that the figure of Sir Basil Zaharoff and all the rumours which have been floating round for the past three years about his secret influence on our politics has haunted the nation. Now that Lord Beaverbrook, who is peculiarly entitled to speak on this subject, has barked his warning the subject cannot possibly be allowed to rest.