7 OCTOBER 1922, Page 21


PROFESSOR ARNOLD TOYNBEE writes on "The Denouement in the Near East." His article is in effect a veiled "I told you so." Professor Toynbee spent some months in Anatolia in 1921, and early this year published a survey of the situation in his book, The Western Question in Turkey and Greece. He quotes passages from his book prophesying a breakdown of Greek moral and a repetition of the atrocities committed by both armies in the early stages of the conflict. Western

diplomacy has by its ineptitude made Professor Toynbee a true prophet. Sir Henry Hew sketches the past relationship between "Liberalism and Agriculture," and appeals for an open-minded consideration of "the best methods of applying old principles to new conditions " ; we wish, however, that his proposals were more specific. The contents are enlivened by Mr. Albert Cotton's entertaining account of his collection of "Association Books," and a pleasant article on Francis Bacon's mother Anne, Lady Bacon, who, it seems, suffered from over-scrupu- losity. Among other articles, "The New Opium Problem in Western China," written by an anonymous but obviously well- informed writer, and " Bessarabia : a Land of Promise," call for attention.