7 OCTOBER 1922, Page 22

What We Want and Why. By Mrs. Philip Snowden, J.

H. Thomas, Robert Williams, Tom Mann, J. Bromley, and Noah Ablett. (W. Collins and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—The tendeney of many excellent people who do not give much attention to the subject is to regard Labour as a vast, selfish and unruly force which is apt to upset existence from time to time by "going on strike." The present book, consisting of articles by six persons of position and authority in the Labour world, contains in a comparatively small space much information about the aims and desires of organised Labour, and, besides discussing a variety of technical details, brings before the reader the human aspect of the problem. This aspect is, of course, by far the most important—indeed, when the problem is eventually faced as primarily one between human beings and human beings, the day of its solution will not be far off. The value of the book would, we think, have been improved by an additional article containing a short survey of the others and summing up the whole in a few general conclusions.