7 OCTOBER 1938, Page 22


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Snt,—One has heard from_ many lips „during the past critical weeks vehement diatribes against the aeroplane. To those who maintain that the aeroplane is the cause of much unrest in Europe and who deplore its very existence, I suggest that they could not do better than to ponder on the fact that had it not been for the airliner which brought the British Prime Minister face to face with the German Chancellor at a moment when seconds were vital, Europe by now might have been shattered.by aerial bombardment.

The aeroplane as an instrument of peace triumphed over the aeroplane as a weapon of war. And in the future it will do likewise.—I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

17 Half Moon Street, London, W.r. NIGEL TANGYE.