7 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 1

Don CARLOS expects to receive powerful aid from the French

officers in BOURMONT'S army (for it seems to be generally ad- mitted that their occupation in Portugal is almost gone), in his at- tempt to seize the Spanish crown upon the death of FERDINAND. Spain would seem to be the proper theatre for the exertions of these devoted partisans of Absolutism, if their Quixotic designs are rightly described in the following paragraph, which we extract from the Times- " The French officers have hoisted the white cockade : they make no secret of their mad project of placing Don Carlos on the Spanish throne, and excluding the infant Queen, to whom the Spanish nation have so recently sworn allegiance. Don Carlos persists in remaining in Portugal, notwithstanding the orders of the King of Spain to quit that kingdom, and repair to the destination that was ap- pointed for him. The Frenchmen, after placing Don Carlos on the throne of Spain, mean to proclaim Henry the Fifth in France, and have chosen Portugal as their first theatre for their magnificent achievements."