7 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 11



The transactions of the week have been quite unimportant : the fluctuation in Consols has not exceeded 4 per cent. The Foreign Funds generally have been steady. Exchequer Bills have recovered the depression occasioned by the extensive sale of last week, and are to-day 41 43•prem. A greater disposition for investment in Dutch Stock has been evinced this week than for some time; the 4 per Cents. have consequently been as high as 44, and the 5 per Cents. as high as 953. The intelligence received by yesterday's mail from Holland being unfavourable, a decline has taken place to-day, in the former to 48, and in the latter to 94. Brazilian Bonds have improved, and have been as high as 694. The price to-day is 64. Portuguese Bonds are now quoted (with the 71; per cent. which has been recently paid in part liquidation of the over-due dividends; and are to-day 76 to '77, equivalent to our last week's quotation of 84 84i. The Regency Scrip has been depressed as low as 184; but has rallied, and is to- day 21 We are still without any intelligence from the Peninsula. Spanish Stock has been depressed to 24, but has again rallied to 22:I .?.a. The transac- tions in it have been comparately unimportant.

One of our contemporaries has expended much argument and more ingenious calculation to prove, that from the state of the exchange at Hamburg and Paris, " the tendency to an exportation of the preCious metals continues. Without fatiguing our readers with elaborate calculations, it is sufficient to re- mark, that although the price of gold is 4 per cent. higher on the Continent than in London, the expenses of transport both to Hamburg and Paris are such as to leave scarcely any profit to the speculator ; and consequently, the exporta- tion (if going on at all) is too trifling to require notice. The endeavours to get up "a panic," which have been continually reiterated during the last few weeks, have been signally unsuccessful ; and though the changes have been rung upon the "exportation of gold " and "contraction of the circulation," money is easily obtainable upon real securities ; and the scarcity is only felt by the speculators in the more worthless descriptions of Stock, who would have found the same difficulty in carrying on their operations under every state of commer- cial credit.


The afternoon has passed with scarcely any variation of price. The little bu- siness that has been transacted having been in Portuguese Securities ; the prices of which have, however, remained steady, 78 being the closing price of Bonds, and 214 224 that of Scrip. Spanish Bonds have improved, and are 224 4.

Real del Monte Shares are quoted 56 57.

3 per Cent. Consols 88i 1 Belgian 5 per Cents. 944 51 Mexican 6 per Cents.374 8 Ditto for Accoun 881 41 Brazilian 5 p. Cents. 694 i Portuguese 5 p. Cts. '78 New 34 p. Cent. Ann 951 4; Danish 3 per Cents. 74±75 Do.itegency8c.5p.ets.21}22 Bank Stock - 1 Dutch 24 per Cents. 481 9 Prussinu (1818)5p.Ct

India Stock -

- French 3 per Cents.. - 1 Russ. (1822)5 p.Cts.1034

Exchequer Bills 41 42, Greek (1105)5p.Cts.. 39 41 Spansh(1621) 5p.Ct .22k


The only business which has occurred this morning has been in the Portu- guese Seeurities,.to which the rumour of the defeat of Marshal BounsioNT, and his abandonment of the Miguelite cause, has given increased value; the Bonds are 7879, and the Scrip has been as high as 24, and is now 214 22 prem. Spanish Bonds have also improved, and are at 224 4. The Real Del Monte Shares are to- day as low as 55 ; having in the course of the week declined 141. per Share : this decline is attributable to another creation of Shares to which the Directors have been compelled to resort, for the purpose of enabling them to discharge a Bond debt ; the holders are still sanguine.