7 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 10



Rall or Science. City Road, 6th September 1839. Sin—I am directed by the St. Luke's Charter Association to express their surprise at the following paragraph, which appeared in your paper of last Sa- turday, as a note to an article headed " Political Conversions "— .• In time late riot at Birmingham, the shops of a test-dealer and a silversmith being broken into, seem,/ CuAwrisrs' were seen decamping with conrenient selections from their extensive stocks."

As'we believe the parties who gave you this statement have imposed upon you, we respectfully call upon you to specify time names of the Chartists, and the articles found in their possession, taken from the shops referred to; or to give an unqualified contradiction to this (as we believe) unfounded calumny. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

IL DALE, Secretary.

[Although this letter is written under a complete error as to the meaning of the passage referred to, we gladly insert it,

of Chartists whose sentiments it conveys, a jealousy of their character and ' II or fastidious on that point, for it involves the whole weight

lunation which is very honourable to them. They can. hardly be toot,: 1!

and credit ofd, '1

as showing cm the port of eta 1:04 , position they have taken up. If Mr. DAr.E will look more carefully at IL, passage and note he rethrs to, Ito will perceive that a yery different tense r0 e intended from that which he imputes to as. The enclosing of the word ,, 'eh 4 tats " in marks of' quotation vans, according to a conveotional literary pudic a way of implying that the parties alluded to were so m name only; he;„'''' reality, common thieves, who, for their own purposes, sought to pass ther,,,41 off' for Chartists.—En.]