7 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 10


&runic EKCITANGE, FSMAYArrEattoott, The week opened very gloomily; and during Monday, the pressure wise* Stock Market was heavy : Consols receded,, per cent., the price havingbe, Its low as 90i, thr Account. In the afternoon, however, a reaction octo,,,t and the closing price was 904. (hi Tuesday, the market opened heavily; TN ports of the bad state of the crops being rife, and these, in conjunction with the wet weather and some extensive sales, caused a depression to 90 for Ai. count, at which price 100,00(1/. was sold; the price for Money 'minas low a, 89a. The market rallied almost immediately, and has continued sines to i5. prove ; the prices of Consols both for Money and Account being to-day ms

than per cent. above the lowest quotations of the week.

The improvement in New Three-and-Half per Cents. is greater; that siti having been at 963., and being to-day quoted. nt 98. India Bonds were done at par, and are to-day 6 premium ; while Exchequer Bills, which have beeshi low as 2 pretniann, are quoted at 6 to 8 premium. The books of various Storks the Dividends upon which become due in October, have allnclosed,ti,oet.ns stated below, and will reopen on the days un m


Bank Stock El Sept.


Iteducell Three per Cents 4111

Reduced Three-and-halt' per Cents

Ditto, 1818 )4th „ 17th „

Long Ammities

2t1 21st ,.

Antanities t'or terms of years 17th

Old South Sea Annuities Ol,t 18th „ The exchange upon Paris has been in a state of progressive improvement, is consequence of the exertions made here to give a turn to the exchanges; but that upon Hamburg, and the rates upon Holland, have not till now evinced any symptoms of' improvement. The intelligence flout Hamburg, however, received by time last two mails, represents the rate of exchange as improving, and the price of gold an upon the decline. Affairs in America also present a better appearance. The last advices from that country note that several shipments of bullion

have been advised, as having taken place and in prospect. Some largeia- suraaces have been effected here upon the precious metals to he shipped in the course of time autumn from New York ; mid we have little doubt that these favourable circumstances have operated to induce the Bank Directors to base the usual quarterly notice, the non-promulgation of which was a subject of remark and anxiety. The notice is as follows.

" The Governor nod Company of the Bank of England are ready, until further notice, to receive applications for loans upon the deposit of bills of exchange sot halos more than six months to run ; smelt loans to he repaid on or before the 10th October next, with interest nt the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, and to be for sums of natio* than 2,000!.

" Bank of Fmglantl, 51h September 1839." Money is much easier this afternoon. In the Foreign Market, the principal business has occurred in SpanishBonds;

to which the at tention of the speculators has been strongly excited by recent l'VCOS. The quotation of to-day is 3i per cent. above the lowest price of _Monday last ; but the market has been subject to frequent and violent reac- tions, having fallen from 24,1, to 324 ; besides several other fluctuations, both upward and downward. The result of all the proceedings of the week has, however, been (after the Bonds had touched 25k) to establish a quotation of 244 to 25 as the closing one of the day ; thus marking an improvement of per cent. upon the lowest price of Monday.

Portuguese Stock has rallied from sympathy with Spanish ; but the extreme

fluctuations have not exceeded 2 per cent. ; and the business transacted, although more extensive than usual, has not been on a very large scale. Tim Northern European Funds may be quoted at nearly our lastprices. The Dutch had receded about .1; per cent., during the depression of the Consul Market; but that decline has been recovered, and they, as well as the RusAtin and Danish Stocks, we now at the prices of last week.


SATURDAY. Twelve OTLOCS. Consols have been done at 911 for Account, but the market has since de- dined ; after having been at 91, they are now quoted 91h, while the price for Money is 90& R. Exchequer Bills arc heavy, and otter haying touched 9s. prem., are quoted at 7s. prem. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active Stock absorbs all the interest : the ii.urlict opened firm at 25, the price reached24, but some influential sellers appeared, anti it declined to 24a, to rally again to 25. It would appear that the success of the eltristino's is not quite so tn• umphant as MIS at first stated ; the intelligence of the reunion of a portion of the Carlist forces is, however, discredited, and the general opinion appears to be that the Carlist game is up.

Ditto for Aceoutt

s91111!.1t Brazilian 5 per Cents

Datti,14 3 per Cents 74t 51

'id 4

3 per Cent. Consols 901 t 3 per Cent. Reduced, . Dutch 21 rev Cents . 541 i Bank Stock 111';!itrit,u,g;,;41e,secr.Itt74.,..gl2ey 5 per Cts. 3024 :

New 31 per Cott. Auras 97i, 8 ftitto Bonds Exchequer !tins 7 9 pm. Deferred Stock

Spanish (1835) 5 per Cott !21411 5112

Pacsive Ditto lei 11 516 Italia Stock — Itassian (1822) 5 per Cod....

Belgian 5 per Cents. 103