7 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 10


Srocx Exemewas, FRIDAY Arraatroox.

The market was in a very uncertain state during the early part of the week. The intelligence of the return of the French army to Oran, which became known on Monday morning, produced a favourable effect upon prices; and Consols reached 99a both for Money and Account. A sale by an influential broker caused a reaction to 98k; and it was generally reported and believed that the French propositions would be rejected at the assembly of the Privy Council on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, however, a better feeling pre- vailed, in consequence of the return of the French fleet to Cadiz; and the market became firmer. On Wednesday, the appearances were again warlike; a broker who is known to act for influential capitalists having_ sold to the extent of 300,000/. Yesterday morning, the decline of French Funds produced a heaviness ; the first price being 94 The substance of the Prorogation Speech became known speedily after the opening of the market : large purchases were made on the same account as the sales of the previous day ; and Consols rose, in consequence of this and other operations of a like nature nearly a per cent. The alteration of the rate of discount by the Bank of England to 2i per cent, gave an increased impulse to an already buoyant market. Today the operations have not been very important ; but a further rise of nearly a per cent has occurred; the market closing at 99a 4, being full I per cent above the first quotation of yesterday. The reduction of the rate of discount to 2i per cent cannot make any important change in the value of money, as the current rate for first-rate bills has long been from la to 2 per cent. Bank Stock has risen again, and is 200. India Stock has also recovered its former quotations, and is marked 283 and 283a. South Sea Stock has ad- vanced in the course of today, viz. from 114a to 1154. The arrangements by the Bank of England, in accordance with the provisions of the new Charter, have not made any change in the made of transacting business in that establish- ment; the only difference being, that the various departments are now marked, " Issue Department," " Banking Department," &c. But the business still goes on in the same portion of the buildings, and is in every other respect un- changed. In the Foreign Market, a change as considerable as that in the English Funds has occurred. All gloomy forebodings have vanished, though the ex- tent of business transacted has not been so great. The European Continental Stocks are firmer; the improvement in Dutch Stock being the most remark- able: the Two-and-a-half per Cents have been today at 62i, or 1 per cent above last week's prices. Belgian Bonds are quoted at 103a, 2 per cent above the price at which they were quoted a few days ago. Spanish Stock has also risen about a per cent ; and generally, the Non-dividend and worthless Stocks are in demand, at about the same advance.

Some very general and extensive transactions have occurred in Railway Shares • and prices are generally improving. The greatest demand has been for those of the Great Western line; which have risen between 41. and 5/. per share today, and the present quotation of which is 10/. above that of last week. The French Shares are all at improved quotations, and are now as high as they were before the question of peace or war was agitated. The Paris and Rouen are particularly in favour, and it would appear with reason. There can be little doubt that the prices of all this description of Shares will improve in Paris, for even before the favourable news was known an improvement had commenced there; as appears by the following citation from the published weekly report of a well-known share-broker in Paris.

30th August. Our market is recovering from the depression to which the late unfounded rumours had reduced it. We have today had a very heavy business both in Stock and Shares, at rapidly risiug prices. Of the Shares, the Roueus, Orleaus, Aviguons, and Basks, were most in demand ; but few have been offered.

There is a great increase in the receipts of the first-named lines. The dividend on the lioness of about 30 francs for the half year, to be declared next mouth, gives these Shares additional favour." Serueuer, Twezve o'cLuce.

The English Funds are now at a slight improvement upon yesterday's prices. Consols have been done, both for Money and Account, at 991; but the market is a little lower, there being sellers at 99i for Money, and at 991 for Account. In the Foreign Market. business seems, with the exception of the Railway Shares, to have been almost entirely confined to Active Spanish Stock ; all va- rieties of which are in demand, at a slight advance upon yesterday's prices.

The business in the Railway Shares has, as usual, been of a very general character, and at improved prices ; the rise in the Great Western still conti- nuing; the French Shares are also in demand. The following are the varieties in which business has occurred this morning : Birmingham and Gloucester, 112i 12 13; Chester and Holyhead, 61 ; Dublin and Cashel, 71 ; Eastern Counties, 111 ; Great Western, 148 150; Ditto, Half-Shares, 88k; Ditto, Fifths, 26k; Birmingham, Quarter-Shares, 26; Brighton, 481 ; Greenwich, 9b ; South- western, 79 80; Manchester and Leeds, 125; Midland, 106 5; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 48; North British, 5/ ; Northern and Eastern, Scrip, 241; South-eastern and Dover, 39; Ditto, New, 121; York and North Mid- land, 105; Ditto and Selby, Scrip, 37 36k; Lynn and Ely, 4* ; Paris and Orleans, 381.

Orleans, 381 b ; Paris and Rouen, 381

3 per Cent Consols 99e

Ditto for Account 991 Colombian ex Venezuela....

Danish 3 per Cents 131 14 831 9} 3 per Cent Reduced

shut Dutch 21 per Cents

62 i ak per Cent Ditto

shut Ditto 5 per Cents 100} 1 New 3} per Cents

shut Mexicau5 per Cents

sa, 6

Bank Stuck

199 200 Ditto Deferred 15} 1 Exchequer Bills prem. 75 7 Portuguese New 5 ii.Cts .1841. 441 51 India Stock

284 Russian 5 per Cents...ex d 1164 118

Brazilian 5 per Cents

83 5 Spauish (Active) 5 per Cents 221 3 Belgian 5 per Cents

102 4

Ditto 3 per Cents 1849

331 4 Chilian 6 per Cents

102 4 Venezuela Active 40 42

SATURDAY, Two o'cLocx. The English Funds close at our morning's quotations, as do the Foreign Bonds in general ; the business of the afternoon having been unimportant. The demand for Railway Shares continues ; as will be seen by the accompany- ing list of bargains occurring since the morning : Dublin and Cashel, 71 81; Eastern Counties, New, 131 ; Great Western; Bali Shares, 89k; Birming- ham, 221 2; Lancaster and Carlisle, 6; Blackwell, 7b ; Brighton, 41; North British, 5i i ; Northern and Eastern, 561; South-eastern ; 381; York and North Midland, 105; Ditto, Half- Shares, 52; South Devon, 61; Paris and