7 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 2

i4t AirtropuliB.

Special Courts of Aldermen and of the Common Council were held on Thursday, to receive the report of the Committee of Aldermen on the office of Recorder, and to consider the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Law. By the Aldermen it was resolved, that the election of a Recorder shall take place on the 24th instant. By the Council it was resolved, that a Committee be appointed to report on the emoluments of the office, before the day appointed for the election. In 1737, the salary was 1201.; it has been raised by successive additions to the amount of 3000/. a year, exclusively of fees for opinions on the legal eases submitted by the City authorities.

The form of opening Bartholomew Fair was gone through by the Lord Mayor and other civic authorities on Monday ; a performance still legally necessary, but for some time past of shadowy reality. Three or four gingerbread booths, and some dozen barrows of nuts and apples, were the representatives of the once famed Bartlemy shows andestores.

A very large body of the colonists about to start for Canterbury settle- ment, in New Zealand, attended the morning service at St. Paul's Cathe- dral on Sunday last ; on which occasion a sermon was especially addressed to them by the Primate of All England. Several noblemen and many ladies and gentlemen who take an interest in the new settlement were present ; and an unusually large general congregation crowded the cathe- dral to witness the solemnity. Archbishop Sumner took for his text the parting salutation of St. Paul to the Christians of the church at Corinth— "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the com- munion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all."

Some weeks since we had occasion to describe a breakfast given by the directors of the Canterbury Association to the capitalist and professional class of emigrants and their friends, on shipboard at the East India Docks : on Monday, at Gravesend, the Association dispensed its hospitality, in a leave-taking dinner of substantial fare, to the families of the labourers and craftsmen who will form the most numerous and important class of the new colony. As before, Lord Lyttelton, the President of the Associa- tion, was the Chairman. The Bishop-designate of Lyttelton, the Re- verend Mr. T. Jackson, was this time able to attend, and give the colo- nists counsel at once wise and inspiriting : Mr. Sewell, the Vice-President, read extracts from the journal of Mr. Godley, the pioneer of the settle- ment, -which had opportunely been received the day before, and which gave the leave-takers a foretaste in description of the good and ill they will shortly face. Off the Terrace Pier at Gravesend lay four fine vessels—the Crecy, the Sir George Seymour, the Charlotte Jane, and the Randolph—gaily decked with signal-colours, and crowded with picked labourers, with their wives and families, about to start for the land of promise. By an arrange- ment only possible in vessels of great breadth, the berths of the ships were constructed athwart-ship instead of along-ship,—a mode which gives increased room and better arrangements for ventilation. A Com- mittee of the Association having minutely inspected the vessels, the emi- grants proceeded on shore in a fleet of boats ; and having been marshalled on the strand, first by ships and then by families, they marched in pro- cession, about six hundred in number, headed by a band of music to a spacious pavilion in the meadow near 11Vaite's Hotel, and were plentifully regaled with roast beef and plum-pudding. Their robust and cleanly- appearance showed the care with which they had been selected ; and their cheerful and orderly conduct gave fair augury that they would prove the right materials with which to found a prosperous settlement.

A mistake as to the hour of the dinner having delayed Lord Lyttelton's arrival, the Bishop-designate opened the speech-making after dinner. Mr. Jackson at once made himself the personal friend of the audience, by telling them that he regarded every man of them as his own particular guest ; and, in accordance with the fashion of good old English hospitality, he expressed his hope that they would meet again as his guests "at home in New Zealand." They might depend upon it there would always be some- thing to eat, and, in moderation, to drink, for the true-hearted, honest, sober, thoughtful labourers of the new settlement. It would be natural for him to give some account of the arrangements made to provide education for the children of the peasantry during the voyage. Glad was he then to say, that there was not a peasant school in this county better provided with the apparatus of education than were the peasant schools which would be in operation on board the Canterbury ships. He trusted, from that day forward, some of the schools of this country might follow the example thus set them with reference to the instruction of the peasantry. He believed that an educated peasantry was essential to the wellbeing of every new colony ; and, with God's help and under God's blessing, they would provide education without stint or parsimony, for all the children of future generations in Canterbury.

For advice, he would, in the first place, tell them that there was nothing so dangerous to the morals of a man as a long voyage, unless he kept him- self, as it were, with a girded soul, and endeavoured to live from day to day in t fear of God. In spite of the best economical arrangements, moral ht arise on board the vessels during the voyage. But he trusted that if ever a word of impurity should be nfterod, if ever an oath should be taken, by any man going out to Canterbury, such language would be frowned dowa by the Quinlan spirit of the great mum of the people on board ; and that lite manta• offending would be treated £12 not an enemy but a sinningfriend, and did every alffort would be made by kindness and example to secure his rotate to the- of jaspiiety.. He 'would advise them to maintain a cer- tain self-respect during the voyage, and, while they exhibited an amiable disposition towards all, to melee reserve for more intimate friendship when they arrived in the settlement. Let them not immediately give up their whole heart to the first person who might ask for it. Above all, while on the one hand they." kept the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace," at- tending to their religious duties with great care, consecutiveness, and earnest- ness, they should, on the other hand, be careful to avoid that absence of neatness, of propriety, and of gentlemanly conduct in little matters, which was apt to grow upon a man during so protracted a voyage, sinking him in the scale of society, and making him a worse man instead of a better for his change of place. He trusted too, that while they felt a happy exultation that day, they would not forget to breathe an earnest prayer that He who " holdeth the waters in the hollow of His hand," and who said to the storm, " Peace, be still," would, bring them in safety to the haven where they would be. Believing as he did in a special providence, to that providence he now most solemnly and earnestly commended them. He hoped to follow them in a few days; and if it pleased God that their lives should be spared, he might shake hands with all of them in their new home, as he now shook hands with them from the ground of an affectionate heart. Mr. Jackson, nearly at his first rising, alluded to the journal of Mr. Godley, which had been received frail New Zealand the day before ; de- scribing it as most valuable for its simple, truthful, and unvarnished tone ; and now Mr. Sewell had begun to read some extracts from it, when Lord Lyttelton arrived, and was welcomed with delight. Taking the chair, and explaining that he was late by mistake of the hour, and much to his vexation, Lord Lyttelton recovered the broken thread of the pro- ceedings. " There are many now present who were also present at the entertain- ment given on board the ships some time since to the upper class of colo- nists; and they will recollect that it was then a generally-expressed wish that a similar entertainment should be given to what I may call the bone and sinew of the colony. I believe that both classes of our colonists leave their native shores with the best-wishes of all good men. Many do not know of our enterprise ; but, wherever known, I believe it has as many friends and as few enemies as any expedition that ever left the shores of Old Eng- land. I believe it deserves those good wishes ; and that we might look back a long way in our history before we found an instance of a colonizing expedi- tion of which the founders were animated by true religious principles, and by no more unworthy motives. I fear I have interrupted the reading of

i Mr. Godley's journal, a narrative in which all present must feel a deep n- terest; and I think we cannot be better employed than in listening to its re- sumption." Mr. Sewell Mon read extracts from the diary. They wore listened to by the emigrants with absorbed attention ; and the cautious spirit of some portions drew forth audible compliments on its fairness. Mr. Jackson proposed the health of the Chairman, with complimentary allusions to the honour paid him by the Association in changing the name of the chief town of the settlement from that of "Christchurch," as at first proposed, to the one adopted of "Lyttelton." If the men who preside over the affairs of the Colonies had the heart and the head of Lord Lyttelton, it would be a difficult thing to cause a na- tional separation of the children from their old mother-country, England ; and if the Canterbury settlers should display the virtues of the character of his noble friend, they would hand down from generation to generation the highest type of the English nobleman and the English gentleman ; than which, he would add, there was not a better in the world.

The toast was modestly acknowledged by Lord Lyttelton,— Thanks were not so much due to himself as to those 'who were about to venture their whole lives in the settlement, and to take a practical part in the actual foundation of the colony. Many of those who had been most ac- tive in committee, were themselves going out to take part in the foundation of the settlement. It would, no doubt, be a work of difficulty to supply the vacancies which would be thus created ; but he would promise for the Com- mittee that they would do their best at home to promote the permanent anc= cess and prosperity of this great enterprise. To himself it was indeed more than an ample reward for his exertions, that, as had been mentioned by his self-denying and earnest friend Mr. Jackson, the capital of the new colony and the seat of the future bishopric was to receive his own name. He cer- tainly had not wished to see the -name originally fixed upon altered ; but since it had been changed, he could not but view its new designation with the warmest feelings of gratitude and interest. He referred with pride to the chief characteristic feature of the audience before him : the character of every one of the labourers and of the families about to be conveyed out to this settlement in New Zealand had 'been most minutely inquired into before they were accepted as emigrants. Care had been taken that the emigration should, in all its parts, be of the right kind, and that nothing should be carried out of the country -which did not partake of and represent the best description of what remained in it. He could not but take that opportunity of expressing the sense which he entertained of the self-devotion of Mr. Jackson' their future Bishop ; not only in giving up, as he had long been prepared todo, his comforts and prospects at home, to un- dertake the foundation and spiritual superintendence of the new colony, but also in being willing to undertake a second voyage across thousands of ;idles of ocean. A legal difficulty-Tat lawyer's point, upon which he would not al- low himself to dwell—had intervened to prevent Mr. Jackson's immediate consecration by the episcopal body in this country. With admirable self- devotion he had declared his readmess to go out at that moment as their Bishop—in which light Lord Lyttelton felt confident they would all regard him—to bear his part in laying the foundations of the colony ; and he would return to England, if that should become necessary, hereafter, to obtain that consecration which was at present postponed. The health of Mr. Forsyth the legal counsel, and one of the "earliest and best friends of the Association," gave that gentleman opportunity of delivering some forcible remarks on the vast importance of individual character in a young community. Before separating, Lord Lyttelton made a pleasant engagement— Although the future was, he trusted, full of bright anticipations, there was a certain solemnity in the reflection that many who were then assembled together would never meet again. But he would say this for himself, thatif there was one project more than another to which -he looked forward with pleasure it wee, that when ten or fifteen years hence the colony should be flourishing, and that great bond of connexion with the mother-country, he meant steam communication, should have been established—when the long and tedious voyage should have been shortened one-half—be might re- alize a vision which be could assure them he cherished with great affection, that of stepping on board a steamer and calling at New Zealand to see the town which had been named after himself. (Loud cheers and laughter.) In conclusion, Mr. Jackson threw out a caution, suggested by =allusion to California in Mr. Forsyth's address, that the true California of the oolonists would be found in the -cultivation of their own land—

When in a few days they should be ploughing the pathless ocean, he hoped they would think upon how they should plough the land when they arrived at their destination. Be for one had determined to set a good example in tilling the land, and would raise with his own hands the food required for his -subsistence.

Three foreigners, one of wham was very old and wore long monstachios, presented themselves at the brewery Of Messrs. Barclay, on Wednesday, with a letter of introduction from their friend Baron de Rot hild, request- ing that they might be shown over thegigantio establishment. "Accord- ing to the regular practice of visiters, they -were requested to sign their -narnee in a book in the office ; after which they crossed the yard with one of the clerks. On inspecting the visiters' book, the clerks discovered that one Of the parties was no other than Marshal Hayman, the late commander of the Austrian forces during the attack upon the unfortunate Hungarians. It became known all over the brewery in less than two minutes ; and before the General and his companions had crossed the yard, nearly all the labourers and draymen ran out with 'brooms and dirt, shouting out Down with the Austrian butcher 1' and other epithets of rather an alarming nature. A num- ber of the men gathered round the Marshal as he was viewing the large vat, and continued their hostile manifeetations. The Marshal being made ac- quainted by one of the persons who accompanied him Of the feeling prevail- ing against him, immediately prepared to retire. But this was not so easily done. The attack was commenced by dropping a truss of straw upon his head as he passed through one of the lower rooms; after which, grain and Mliciailea of every kind that came to hand were freely bestowed upon him. The men next struok his hat over his eyes, and hustled him from all direc- tions. His -clothes were torn off his back. One of -the men seized him by the beard, and tried to cut it off. The Marshal's companions were treated with equal violence. They, however, defended themselves manfully, and succeeded in reaching the outside of the building. Here there were assembled -about five hundred persons, consisting -of the brewers' men, coal-heavers, &c.; the presence of the obnoxious visitor having become known in the vicinity. No sooner had the 'Marshal made his appearance outside the gates, than he was surrounded, pelted, struck -with every available missile, and seven dragged along by his moustache, which afforded ample facilities to his D.:Alia-as from its excessive length, it reaching nearly down to his shoulders. still battling with his assailants, he ran in a frantic manner along Btmkside 'until he came to the George public-house; when, finding the doors open, he rushed in and proceeded up-stairs 'into one of the bedrooms, -to the utter astonishment of Mrs. Benteld, the landlady, who soon discovered his -name and the reason of his entering the house. The furious mob rushed in after him, threatening to do for the Austrian butcher' ; but, fortunately for him, the house is very old-fashioned, and contains a vast number of doors, which were all forced open, except the room in which the Marshal was concealed. The mob had increased at that time to several -hundreds ; and from their excited state Mrs. Ben-field became alarmed about her own property, as -well ILI the Marshal's life. She accordingly despatched a messenger to the South- wark Police-station for the assistance of the Police; and in a short time In-

ector Squires arrivedutthe George with a number of Police, and with great culty dispersed the mob and got the Marshal out of the house. A po- lice galley was at the wharf at the time, into which he was taken, and rowed towards Somerset House, amidstthe shouts and execrations of the mob. Messrs. Barclay have -suspended all hands, in order to discover the principals in the attack:"

In the Insolvent Debtors Court, on Wednesday, Mr. Joseph Stammers, the manager of the Wednesday Mvening Concerts at Exeter Hall, applied to be liberated on bail till his hearing. He commenced his musical project with 6001.; but " the receipts of his business were insufficient to meet his ex- penses," and his schedule now shows 3742/. of debts, and no property or credits. In 1849 his receipts for-the concerts were 1450/., this year 22261.: among his expenses was nearly 1000/. for rent of Exeter Hall, and among his losses were those by the nonperformance of four of his concerts although he was obliged to pay the performers. The Commissioner fixed the 1st of November for the hearmg; and gave the liberty asked, taking surety for appearance to the amount of 1000/.

At the Central Creminal Court, last week, William Coffins, a man of thirty, was indicted for feloniously wounding Elizabeth Collins, with intent to do her grievous bodily harm. The prosecutrix, who is the wife of the prisoner, was evidently resolved to ao all in her power to shield the prisoner. She began her evidence in a very voluble manner, declaring that she was the only-person to blame in the transaction; that she was drunk, and had aggra- vated her husband to strike her; and that the injury she resolved was very trifling. The other evidence in the ease, however, clearly made out that a most savage and brutal attack had been made upon her by the prisoner with the leg of the table ; and it appeared that in addition to several other severe wounds one of her arms was broken. Verdict, "Guilty." Sentence, ten years' transportation. When the sentence was pronounced, the wife of the prisoner went into hysterics; and as she was earned past the dock, the brutal husband leaned over to her and said, "Now I hope you are satisfied, ain't you ? "

The workmen recently in the service of Messrs. Caslon and Fagg, type- founders, of Chiswell Street, have been "on -strike" for some weeks—for an advance of wages, say the employers ; to resist a reduction, say the men. Messrs. (lesion and -Fagg have obtained other workpeople, among them some Frenchmen and Frenchwomen. The old hands have been much excited, especially at the employment of the French ; placards have been carried about the streets near the factory, mobs collected, and there has been much turbulence. The upshot was the appearance of two men before the Worship Street Magistrate, last week, one charged with obstructing the thorough- fare, and the other with inciting the mob to rescue the first offender from the Police: both of them typefounders. Sutherland carried =inflammatory placard about Chiswell Street, refused to move away when cautioned by the Police, and shouted to the crowd, "French invasion, French invasion !" He was arrested. Richardson followed the officers, and urged a large mob to inter- fere in Sutherland's behalf. Mr. Child, for the prisoners, admitted that they had acted illegally, though merely from an erroneous impression that walk- ing about with a placard was allowable. If leniently heated, they would not offend again. Mr. Hammill ordered them to put in bail to keep the peace, and fined Richardson 40s. for obstructing the Police and inciting to a rescue.

Two young woman complained to the Marlborough Street Magistrate, on Thursday, of their treatment by certain drapers in Oxford Street. They saw dresses in the window marked " Is. " among the lot was one without a price; a man at the door told them that that also was a shilling. The women entered the shop, bought the dress, and put down a shilling ; the shopruan threw the coin into the till, and then demanded la. lid, more, snatched back the dress, and refused to return the shilling. Mr. Bingham, remarking that this was the third or fourth case of the kind brought before him within the last day or two told the young women that their only remedy was a suit in the County Court.

The Reverend Dr. Worthington, of Doughty Street, has attended before the Clerkenwell Idabistrate-to warn the public against the frauds of a "Monsieur Thomas" alias `Van Essen." He is a foreigner, and has lived in Howard Street, Strand ; he pretends that he is a native of Belgium, and that he has a commission to appoint a professor to the Athenee of 1 x embourg. On the strength of this, he has defrauded many persons of sums of money • exhibiting documents that appear to warrant his pretensions. Dr. Worthington stated that this questionable character had been tried in Belgium for murder and coining ; and he seems to be full of roguery, withal educated and clover. Dr. Worthington said he had been swindled of 251.; and Thomas had got his son into his possession, and no doubt he would not resign the youth without the payment of a sum of money.

At the Mansionhouse, on Wednesday, Augustus Styles, a "chemist," of Camden Town, was finally examined on charges of forging and uttering two bills of exchange for 300/. and 200/., which purported to be accepted by a Mr. Bailey, of Swanscombe in Kent, an acquaintance of the prisoner. Stiles pretended that he had received the bills from Mr. Bailey in payment for land. Mr. Bailey stated that there was no transaction of the kind, and that his signature had been forged.—Committed.

Davis, another of the three men who were engaged in the robbery of the clerk at Bankside, has been arreste4 and with Archer he was examined by -the Southwark Magistrate on Thursday. The Police succeeded in capturing both the men they wanted, in the Waterloo Road ; but as Sergeant Wright and Sergeant Jones were conveying them away, somebody handed a"life- preserver" to one prisoner, who struck down Jones with it, and then in the confusion made his escape. Mr. Ward, a salesman in the Borough Market, witnessed the robbery : he noticed the thieves loitering about, and, suspect- ing their object, secreted himself in a corner ; he identified the two prison- ers, and would be able to recognize the third. Archer still declared that he was the only culprit.—Itemanded.

Francis Greenslade, a constable of the E -division, has been sent to prison for fifteen days, by the Magistrate at Bow Street, for assaulting a young man and preferring a false charge against another man and two young women.

An inquest has been held at Sliadwell on the body of George Trogley, a lighterman, who was said to have been killed by a-quack medicine. The de- ceased was under medical treatment, and was advised by a friend to try what Mrs. Wheeler, a female quack, could do for him ; this woman was applied to, she sent a quantity of red liquid, and Trogley died soon after drinking it. A surgeon found that the liver, kidneys, and lung,s, were of a deep violet co- lour ; but there AVEL8 no trace of poison : the man had died of apoplexy. Mrs. Wheeler said the dose she sent to Trogley consisted of old ale and a little cochiueal. The medical men were unable to say what effect this new nos, trum would have on the human fnune. The verdict was " Natural death," -with a censure on Mrs. Wheeler's unqualified practice of medicine.

Afire occurred.underthe Greenwich Railway on Thursday afternoon. Two arches had been let -to a leather-dresser ; the premises caught fire, and the flames ascended above the parapet-wall of the railway' curling over. Before the lire could be extinguished, several trains had to -dash through the flames, to the great alarm of the passengers.