7 SEPTEMBER 1912, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—My reference to the Quebec Marriage Law and the judgment of the Privy Council was an illustration only, and illustrations hardly ever go upon all fours. I thank Mr. W. Reeve Wallace for his reminder, but in my turn I suggest that, in spite of the clause he quotes, a Dublin Home Rule Parliament would use its powers to the uttermost to nullify the restriction in question. However, I admit that he is entitled to censure my illustration, and I will only add that I hope this admission will not be taken as weakening my main position. No matter how constitutionally constructed a Legis- lature may be, if it enacts oppressive laws the victim of oppression has a right to resist, provided, of course, that he is prepared to take all the consequences. The Final Cause of a Constitution is Freedom.—I am, Sir, &c.,