8 APRIL 1837, Page 10


Arrived—At Liverpool, April 5th, Jemna, Robinson, from China; and 6th. Eu- phrates, Heaney. from Bengal At Waterford, 411,, John o' Gaunt, Roberts, from China. At St. Ilelena, Bardaster, 11VDonald, from Singapore; Margaret and Ann, from the Cape; Feb. 19th,, Boyne. Richardson, from Bombay ; 1911,, 1 tiglebte rough, It ickett, from China Duke of Lancaster, Ilargreares, from Bengal ; Augusta Jessie, Edenberouch, from Mauritius; 20th, Lady Charlotte. Williams; and Susan. —, from Chime; Gipsey, Bewley ; and William, —, from Bengal. At China, Fatima. Fethers. from Liverpool ; Neptune. Williams; Saran and Arsilia, Gardner; Dec. 16th. Trusty, West ; and 22d. Clillon. Worrell. trom London. Sailed—From Gravesend, April 4th, Imogen, Riley, for Calcutta; and Reliance. Warms, fur Madras. From Liverpool, 4th. Tweed, Lawson, for Bombay ; and 5114 Daniel Wlweler, Bomb, fur Bengal.