8 APRIL 1837, Page 6

On Tue-day evening, a meeting of the inhabitants of Finsbury

was held at the Coneasterian School-room, City Road, to petition Parlia- ment to pa-s the Ministerial measure for the abolition of Church. rates ; and on Wednesday a meeting for a similar purpose was held is the parish. house, John Street, Hackney. Both meetings were most numerously and respectably attended, and resolutions expressive of sutisfaetion with the proceedings of Government on this question unani. mously passed.

The Vestry of Clerkenwell assembled on Wednesday, and voted a petition to Parliament in favour of the Church-rate abolition measure. A counter-petition, was not supported by more than ten or a dozen hands.

The rate-payers of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, and of St. Clement DM's, halm reelected Libel-el Guardians of the Pour. In the parish of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 13 Tories and 11 Liberals were chosen.

With the exception of Shoreditch aiel St. George-the-Martyr, South. wark, the whole of the Metropolitan Unions and Boards of Guardians act cordially with the Pour-law Commissioners ; and we are assured that the introduction of the new law into the city of London meets the concur! ence of the most respectable rate-payers and persons of influence.— Glubc.