8 APRIL 1854, Page 12


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 1853 and 1854, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th APRIL 1853. 1854. Increase. Decrease.

Customs 18,512,189 18,871,332 338,143

Excise 13,385,498 13,473,872 88,374

-Stamps 6,429,025 6,494,938 63,913

Taxes 3,191,271 3,211,701 47,130

Property Tax 5,593,043 5,975,677 382,631

Pdat.office" 1,015,000 4104,000 59,000

Crown Lands 252,000 395,888 113,888

Miscellaneous 271,514 167,544

103,970 Total Ordinary Revenue 48,683,510 49,724.332 1,145,302 103,970 Imprest and other Monies 714,718 931,309 219,591

Repayments of Advances 1,114,548 1,338,601 224,053

Total Income 50,512,806 51,997,862 1,589,026 103,970 Deduct Decrease 103,970

Increase on the Year



1853. 1851. Increase. Decrease.

Customs 4,432,832 1,325,941

106,891 Excise 2,098,501 1,913,350

155,231 Stamps 1,657,719 1,551,699

6,050 • Taxes 111,976 199,309 87,833

• Property Tax 2,152,233 2,567,711 415,481

Post-office 282,000 282,000

' Crown Lands 72,000 65,009

7,000 - Miscellaneous 19,518 10,587

8,831 Total Ordinary Revenue 10,826,389 11,095,700 503,314 284,0)3 /mprest and other Monies 221,096 276,316 55,220

Repayments of Advances 171,839 111.072

00,787 Total Income 11,219,314 11,433,088 558,534 344,790 Deduct Decrease 344,790

Increase on the Quarter


Income and Charge of the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th April 1853 and 1854.


CHARGE. 1853. 1854. INCOME.

Customs Excise


Taxes Property Tax Poet-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Imprest and other Monies Produce of the Sale of old Stores, Sc Repayments of Advances To Cash brought to this Account and applied to pay off De- ficiency Bills. ' 1853. 1854.

4,451,238 4,344,742 2,105,331 1,949,523 1,657,749 1,651,699 111,176 199,309 2,152,233 2,597,714 292,04.0 302,000 72,000 65,000 19,518 10,687 113,538 171,941 107,538 104,375 171,859 111,073 11,344,500 11,468,062

200,000 11,314,500 11,658,062


Aram Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities

Interest on 'Exchequer Bills, lamed to meet the charge on the

Consolidated Fund Sinking Fund • ONE List OtherCharges on the Consolidated Fund For Advances For paying or non-commuters of certain Stocks Total Charge Surplus 45,487,179 £5,424,855 1,273,406 1,282,781 601,389 99,995 312,992 94,399 2,817 613,876 99,745 303,220 160,996 1,999,372


10,076,287 1,581,775 11,241,500 11,658,062 The amount of Exchequer Bills issued to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund in the quarter ending Jan. 5, 1054, after

deducting 811,8551. redeemed by Sinking Fund The amount tamed in the Quarter ended 5th April 1854, in- pan of the sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated

Fund for Supply Services Surplus Consolidated Fund The probable amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund on the 6th April 1811 2,699,345


2,952,703 5,853,018