8 APRIL 1876, Page 2

The British Government, as we supposed last week, has finally

retired from any effort to improve Egyptian finance. On Thqrs- day night the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in answer to Mr. Gourley, read a statement declaring that "it did not lie with her Majesty's Government to initiate any financial policy for Egypt," that "it had not before them any proposal for measures to assist the Khedive in carrying out the suggestions of Mr. Cave's Report," and that "it was no part of Mr. Rivera Wilson's duty, while in the service of the Khedive, to furnish information to her Majesty's Government." That is to say, they are not even watching Egyptian finance. Of course, if the Khedive makes new offers they will be considered, but if he wants financial help from the British Government, be must place himself in British hands. The Government wants to benefit England and India, and not the Khedive, and still less jobbers in Egyptian Stocks.