8 APRIL 1905, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Referring to the editorial note appended to the letter of Mr. J. T. Agg-Gardner in your issue of March 25th under the above title, may I be permitted to point out that the comic monthly journal Bacchus—which, I understand, ceased publication with its issue for December last, after sixteen months' existence—was in no sense or degree "an organ of the • trade" P Much injury is done to the licensed trade by the assumption of irresponsible journals to represent the views of the trade, and the absurd statement in Bacchus of October last to which you referred is only another illustration of the fact.—I am, Sir, &c., ALBERT B. DE.A.NE, 35 Great George Street, Westminster.

[Our defunct contemporary Bacchus certainly described himself as "the organ of the trade." Nothing, also, could have been more vigorous and zealous than his championship of the liquor interest. To see this poor dead soldier of the cause now thrown aside as unauthorised and redundant stirs, we confess, a sense of pathos. Sunt lacryina,e Bacchi. —En. Spectator.]