8 APRIL 1916, Page 3

As we go to press on Thursday evening comes the

welcome news that a German submarine was sunk on Wednesday "by an Anglo- French flotilla." The officers and crew were taken prisoners. Though this is the first official announcement since the beginning of the new submarine campaign of the destruction of a Ii boat it must not be supposed that she was the first one captured. AM that it is safe to assert is that this is the first occasion on which the Government have had reason to believe that the. Germans already knew of the loss of their boat, and that therefore the fact of the loss could be published without conveying to our enemies a piece of useful knowledge. Until the Germans know a boat has been sunk they are obliged to search for her diligently, and endeavour to convey supplies to her. But while looking for a non- existent boat the supply craft are very apt to fall into our clutches.