8 AUGUST 1846, Page 2

Mr. O'Connell has reappeared in Ireland, to review his Repeal

forces after the late desertion of Young Ireland, to consolidate his power, and whistle up the golden breeze of the rent. He has had a most successful review. His adherents are as well dis- ciplined as ever; and all the more tractable for the absence of the O'Brien, Meagher of the Sword, and the other fevered spirits. The priests, who owe a grudge against the Nation for its liberal- ism in religious matters, have testified their adhesion to O'Con- nell with subsidies ; and they reecho the peaceful version of his speeches as faithfully as they did his warlike equivoques. Among the most fierce in his assertion of purely pacific ideas is Dr. Higgins, Bishop of Ardagh ; the same Prelate that talked at a monster meeting about his "right arm " I Amusing as it is, there is no harm in all this transparent humbug. It is pleasant to see O'Connell's affairs looking up : while he is in the humour, he can be really useful in helping to mitigate the chronic anarchy ; and as his present blarney can leave no lasting or substantial result, it cannot make matters worse than they would be without it.