8 DECEMBER 1838, Page 9



The mingled yarn of which the web of American intelligence has been composed, has sorely puzzled the City speculators; the disastrous report of one day having been repaired by the good intelligence of the next, while a succeeding arrival has completely negatived the good advices ; and perhaps to-morrow the despatches expected by the Great Western may arrive and all may be calm again. Al connected with the Money Market, the intelligence received appears to have been considered as unimportant, and the fluctuation produced by these wars and rumours of wars has been but trifling ; Consols being to-day at precisely the same quotation at which they closed on Saturday last, before one syllable of the Canadian intelligence had transpired, the fluctuation consequent upon its receipt not having exceeded A per cent. The books of the various Stocks upon which the Dividends will become due in January next, have all closed in the course of the week ; and Money business is suspended until the 6th January 1639, in the Three per Cent. Consols, New Three and a Half per (Amts., January and July Annuities, and India Stock. Bank Stock is steady, the price to-slay being 204. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are rather heavy, both being quoted at 63 prem.

In the Foreign Market, considerable activity has prevailed among the dealers in Dutch Securities ; and these Bonds have been at one time more thin per cent, above our last prices. This impetus was occasioned by an improvement

of 1 per cent. in Amsterdam ; where some of the endless reports that are continually current of the settlement of the Belgian dispute hail produced a rise of 2 per cent. : but as before its close the market there receded 1 per cent., the effect produced upon our Exchange was not so great as it would have been if a smaller improvement had been sustained to the end ef the market ; the price gave way yestoday per cent., but the market has rallied today, and closes at the highest price. The other Northern Securities are without material change; as are Brazilian Bonds, and the South American Stocks.

Portuguese Bonds have receded 1 per cent., and the market is heavy at the lower price very few transactions have however occurred in these Securities; or in Spanish Stock, which has fluctuated between 163 and 163, and is to-day heavy at the lower quotation. The Railway Shares are all heavy. London and Birmingham have fallen from 3/. to 41.; Great Western about 21; Southampton have declined in the same proportion ; and the lesser varieties are all from 10s. to below our last prices. Sonic transactions have occurred in Anti.Dry.Rot Shares ; the registered were yestesday done at 8, and the unregitered at bl. to 6/. per Share. A meeting of the proprietors of that Company has been held to-day at the London Tavern ; at which Mr. Vicons, one of the Directors, presided. But the Directors have not yet been enabled to disentangle the accounts, and were unable even to guess at the extent to which the fraud of Mr. TERRY has been carried. The meeting was of a very stormy character ; and the conduct of the Directors in respect of their undue confidence in Mr. Misr was the object of very severe animadversion. A resolution was ultimately carried to appoint a Committee of five Shareholders, who in conjunction with the Directors are to report as speedily as possible upon the extent of the fraud, and the best means of arranging the various conflicting claims to which Mr. TERRY'S delinquencies have given rise.


Congols are ii lower than last week ; and all the English Funds are depressed in the same proportion. The Foreign Funds are without variation, at yesterday's prices. Columbian 251 6%; Mexican 23%; Peruvian 161 17 ; the others as quoted below. Railway Shares are nominally at the following prices, without any business of importance. London and Birmingham 77 9 rm. ; Ditto i Shares 23 4 prem. ; Croydon 16 to %; Ditto New Scrip 1 to ; Greenwich 16% 17; Southampton 43 to 4 per Share; Manchester and Birmingham Oi 5; Ditto Extension 01; 1 prem.