8 DECEMBER 1855, Page 10



The confidence with which most of the advices from the Continent regard the progress' of riegotiations for peace, has again had a very beneficial effect upon Government Securities ; and since Monday, when a sudden 'advance of nearly 11 per cent occurred in French Three per Cents, the telegraphic de- spatches from the Bourse have been anxiously looked for ; but on some oc- casions the closing quotations failed to arrive the same afternoon. With the- exception of a reaction of * per cent, the market in Paris is still firm; where also speculation in Railways has revived to a large extent, and in some cases lately as much as 50 per cent interest has been paid to carry forward trans- actions to a subsequent settlement. Our Funds have advanced abut li per cent, but have been subject to the usual reactions which follow after a rapid improvement. Upon the settlement yesterday, owing to the numerous operations lately entered into for the rise' It proved to be a Bull account ; and the rate of continuation to the 10th of January was 1 to 1 per cent.: Several fluetuations occurred; and at one - time Consols were as high as 9014 elseing I lower. Today within official hours, they have ranged from 891 to 90/, and ultimately leave off at sok 1, and 94 i for the Account. India Stock has improved 1 per cent this week ; Bank Stock, 1 ; Exchequer Bills, 2s. The transfer-books in Consols having closed this after- noon, the dividend will be taken off the price tomorrow. Money has been in good-demand ; and on Government Securities is worth from 5 to 54 per cent. The commercial payments on Tuesday, (the 4th of the month,) though heavy, were well met, and 110 sign of pressure or want of confidence waa ezhibited. The rate of exchange in Paris is firmly maintained, and bills on London are in demand for transmission against Australian gold. On the Vienna Exchange there has been less distrust. The accounts from New' 'Tork exhibit a further advance of 4 to 5 per cent in several of the leading Railway Stocks : the prospect of the Banks was enhanced, and there had heels a reduction in the rates of discount.

- The Corn-market has declined from 18. to 28. The aMount of gold de- posited at the Bank of England out of the late Australian arrivals is believed to be about 300,000/. The West India packet brought 106,000/. in silver and 62,0001. in gold. The amount received from Australia has been 66,000/. The shipments of specie to India and China is continued on a considerable: scale : the Indus took out 529,8631., of which 496,4341. was silver. In Foreign Stocks there haa been a brisk demand; especially in 'Turkish Six per Cents, which have been- as high as 86: they are now 841 4. In other securities the following improvement has taken place—Chitian and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 2; Peruvian Three, Russian Five per, Cents, Sardinian, and Venezuela, 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, *. Railways have moved with caution, atid not in proportion to the rise in other securities. London and North-Western leave off this evening at 94 1,.. which is 10s. higher than last week. Lancashire and Yorkshire have im- proved 10.1:; Great Western and Midland, 5s. French Shares show very little change.


The English Funds are * higher this morning ; Consols for Account closed last evening equal to 894 1 ex div.; today they are 891 5. Exchequer Bills- 6 2 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase' of 87,1701. Iii Foreign Stocks no alteration has occurred ; Turkish Six per Cents 84/ 1, Ditto Four per Cents 3 24. discount. The Railway Market is steady ; Caledonian, 56-.1 ; .Lancashire and Yorkshire, 77k; Midland, 644.


The English Funds are slightly lower than they were in the morning; Comas for Account being 891 ex din. Exchequer Bills 6 2 discount. An- nuities April 1885 16 6-16 I. In Foreign Stocks, Austrian is 1 better ;. Buenos Ayres has improved 3 per cent—it has been done at 56 8: Spanish Passive 71; Turkish 84; 1 1 5 44„ Railways present no difference; the stormy meeting yesterday of the Eastern Counties Company has had but little effect on the shares—Caledo- nian, 564; Eastern Counties, 8f ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 501 ; Great Northern, 884; Great Western, 504; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 774; Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, 96; London and South-Western, 86; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 232, ,1 - Midland, 644; North British, 29;. North-Eastern—Berwick, 69; Ditto York, 464; Wilts and Somerset, 83. Preference Shares—Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., 107; Ditto 44 per Cent Ditto, 1004; Ditto 5 per Cent Scrip, Redeem- able at 6 per Cent Premi; 74; Lancashire, and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock,. 1314; London and South-Western 7 per Cent Stock, late Third Shares, 165; North-Eastern—Berwick 4 per Cent Preference, 89k; Ditto—York H. and S. Purchase, 91 ; Dutch Rhenish, 104; East Indian, 21; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 114; Great Indian Peninsula, New, 34; Great Western of Canada 24k; Ditto New, 71; Madras Guaranteed New 5 per Cent, 105;. Paris aneLyons, 454; Sambre and Meuse, 84; Scinde Guaranteed 5 per Cent, 51. Alines—Brazilian St. John del Rey, 31. Joint Stock Banks— London Chartered Bank of Australia, 164; Oriental Bank Corporation 38;. Provincial of Ireland, 54. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, '27 ; Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 109k; Crystal Palace'151.2 ;. Electric Telegraph, 20: General Screw Steam Shipping Company, ; North British Australasian, 4; Peel River Land and Mineral, 2k; Van Die- men's Land, 164.

9 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 81 4 Ditto for Account 891 ex d. Dutch 2i per Cents 63/ 41 8 per Cent Reduced 1 Ditto 4 per Cents .... ....... 93 4

New Spec Cents :191 i Mexican 3 per Cents 191 20 Long Annuities 81 Peruvian 41 per Cents 74 6 Bank Stock 209 10 Ditto 3 per Cents 52 4 Exchequer Bills India Stock 6 2 dis. Portuguese 4 per Cents . , .. 44 6.

shut Russian 5 per Cents 97 9

Austrian 5 per Cents 81 4 Ditto 41 per Cents 88 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 14 401 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents 91 3 Ditto Deferred 201 1 ChiBan 6 per Cents 83 Sex d..

101 8 Sardinian 5 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents NO 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7 ex d.