8 DECEMBER 1855, Page 5

t4t /Antrum.

Lord and Lady Sohn Russell inspected the Cheltenham Grammar School, the Proprietary College, and Cheltenham hospital, last week. At the Grammar School, the boys read in address to Lord John eulo- gizing his services in the cause of ei-virediCreligionkliberty ; and he made them a long speech, pointing ont the,,altitt:440344,taejoy in com- parison with their predecessors. In the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford, on Wednesday, 'Colonel RaVr- linson, the great antiquary and decipherer Of the cuneiform inscriptions, delivered a lecture upon the discoveries recently made in Assyria and Bahylon. The Vice-Chancellor of the University presided t and was sup- portet1.4,14,,,„the Proctors and a large number ' Of the Heads 9i Houses, as well es senior and junior members of the 174iversity. The area and galleries were well filled, and the laffile :0*V ,a considerable por-

tion of the audience. '

st.hir The Liberal party in Great YarniojAeut,publie- meeting assembled, have declared Sir Charles Napier a very ill-uieihman, and called for his reinstatement in the command of the Baltic F1001-

A Committee of the Norwich Town-Council helebieqtreated the Mayor to call the attention of the Board of Trade to the' state, and management of the Eastern Counties Railway, and to demand an official inquiry.

The number of hands on strike at Manchester has slightly increased. The operatives continue to display a moderate spirit, and signs of recon- ciliation are not wanting. The masters complain that the wages are higher in Manchester than elsewhere. In one mill the workers and their employer have wisely determined to aeoept and ixty respectively such wages as may be agreed on at the end of the strike. At their fifth weekly meeting, on Wednesday, the operatives passed this resolution- " The minders and piecers of Manchester are prepered to appoint three persons on their part, the masters to be allowed to appoint three others, each to appoint an umpire ; and that those persons are to meet and take the aver- age rate of wages received by the men, for the same quality of work and the same raw material, in the towns of Oldham and Ashten, and we abide by it."

The master sailmakers of Bristol have acceded to a request of their workpeople for a alight increase of pay in consequence of the high prices of food. The advance is sixpence per hundred yards.

At Chester, John Moab, formerly InlandRevenue Receiver for the Chester collection, was tried for obtaining 6601. from one of the collectors by false

pretences, and for fraudulently applying to his own use 6000/. the property of the Crown which he had received from collectors. He was acquitted on the first charge, but found guilty on the second. Sentence was deferred: apparently, there will be an appeal against the verdict on the second charge. The matter seems to hinge on this—did Mesh " fraudulently " sse the money ? there is no doubt he did use it, for he told the Surveyor-General that he had " spent " the large balance that had been permitted to accumu- late.

At Newcastle Assizes, Robert Martinson,' formerly junior cashier to the Northumberland District Banking Company, pleaded guilty to embezzling 42641. froin. the bank. Much of the money was recovered, and whatever loss occurs will fall upon a guarantee society, the surety of the prisoner. He was sentenced to fourteen years' transportation.

At Hertford Assizes, two men and two women, part of a London gang, were convicted of complicity in a burglary at Hatfield. The chief witness was an approver—a young woman, who said she had " innocently " ac- companied the culprits on their country jaunt. The sentences were, trans- portation for fifteen years for one man, and ten years' penal servitude for the other prisoners.

At Stafford Assizes, on Monday, the Grand Jury' to the astonishment of every one, ignored the bill of indictment against "Alice Grey." Mr. Scot- land applied to Mr. Justice Williams to detain the accused till another in- dictment could be prepared' her counsel resisted this as quite unprecedented ; and eventually the Judge ordered her to be liberated. She was immediately arrested on a charge of perjury at Birmingham.

When produced before the Birmingham Magistrates on Wednesday,— charged with committing perjury in accusing a man of robbing her in Oc- tober last,—she was remanded, as a Government notice had been received that she was to be taken to Wolverhampton to meet a charge there.

Hannah Raver, a married woman of dissipated habits., returned home to her residence in the Peafield, Norwich, in a state of intoxication. On enter- ing the house she quarrelled with her husband ; he struck her ; and while he was endeavouring to force her up-stairs, she fell down dead. A Coroner's Jury have returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against him.

A stone-mason has died at Birkenhead from hydrophobia' caused by the bite of a dog many months ago. His sufferings were fearful.