8 DECEMBER 1906, Page 2

Affairs in Morocco at present are in a very serious

tangle. Spain is so preoccupied with her own change of Government that for the moment she is not much inclined to act, and the burden of restoring order will rest mainly on France. A Franco-Spanish Agreement has been drawn up, and has been communicated to the Powers ; but the force necessary to save the situation will probably be chiefly French. It is not an easy task, for France must work through the Makhzan, which is utterly disorganised ; and she will have to face the opposition of Raisuli, who at present represents the only authority in the country. Meanwhile, the Sultan seems to have awakened to the fact that things are becoming serious. He has tried to galvanise the effete Makhzan into activity, and has announced that he himself will shortly visit Tangier. It seems that hitherto he has been kept in the dark by his advisers as to the real intentions of the Powers, and is amazed to find that they mean business. Little, we fear, is to be hoped from the legitimate authorities in the reconstruction of Morocco ; but if the Sultan is in earnest he can facilitate matters for France by refraining from interference. Any captious opposition will play into the hands of the forces of anarchy.