8 DECEMBER 1906, Page 27

Why - Why and Tom - cat. By Brown Linnet. Illustrated by Gordon Browne.

(Wells Gardner, Dorton, and Co. Ss. 6d.).—In Why-Why and Tom-cat we are introduced to a little girl and her animal friends. Her name was Elizabeth and she was a very nice little girl ; but Tom-cat called her Why-Why, which was a name that exactly suited her. One night Tom-cat came sliding down a moonbeam into Why-Why's room, and told her that she could turn into an animal if she liked. She was rather frightened at the prospect, but determined to go with him and talk to all the creatures in the garden and the neighbouring fields. The author is evidently very well acquainted with animals as well as little girls, and the different characters stand out clearly, and plenty of natural history is introduced into this amusing story-book.