8 DECEMBER 1906, Page 28

P/ayright and Copyright in All Countries. By William Morris Colles,

B.A., and Harold Hardy, B.A. (Macmillan and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—This is an elaborate account of the copyright regulations in force (1) in all countries within the Copyright Union, (2) in all without. The most important of this second class is, of course, the United States. With this country we have a special copyright arrangement which perhaps may be described as better in practice than in theory. Books likely to have a great sale have to submit to the onerous condition of manufac- ture within the States ; but for those which are less important, of course a great majority of the whole, there is practical protec- tion. The object of the authors is to show "how to protect a Play or a Book throughout the world." It is not an easy matter, and in most cases hardly worth the trouble, for readers are few. Still, the authors of this volume show how it may be done.