8 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 6

tr:bc Court.

I la Alajesties arrived at Sr. James's Palace. from Brighton, about o'cloek iiii .1Ionday. Soon after his an val, the Kiii lit III a Court ; nol,ioit %vas attended by all the principal ltillicers Id. State and of the A l'rivy Council %vas aftertvards held ; at which his .:11sty's speech on the opening of the si.ssion of Parliament %vas ar nc,1.....•1. 1I oho pviek, i the lit of Sheriffs . ensuing year, ami _iVi IIoliencrs to se% eral ii' ii of the 'iti.nict.

(Si' 'I' tiesday, his Alttjt,ty went ill state to the I e i l.c!,: , to Viily was t•xtremely line ;

assembled to vu w the procession very great.

4.Ii,,ii if occasionally as the procession moved along; I)! • %%.1-..-ii di-play of loyal enthusi.tsitt. his Alajusty returned I,!ePale

ntit.Itt three o'clock.

Court was held oil Wednesday, at AI hich the Atidr, ss from te hint' of Lords was pre-i•lited ill tint' brut. .Most of the Fe; ei:ii i•ters attended, and had audiences t his Majesty. .‘ ftei ward-. a l'r7.vy Council was laid, mai the Ilecorder made his report, of the c“.1victs sentenced to death at the tI if Ilailey Sessions.

( Thursday, the .A thltess limn the House of Commons was ple

sent:•fl to the King ; who held a 1 'ottrt the (O'ID:1011, V Ilk+ AV/II: ;It teh.loil by his principal Alinisters ; and a number rasiniwys of the


lit the evening, the Queen was present at the perform:ewes at Drury IA:Ile Theatre.

Yesterday, their :Majesties left town for Brighton.