8 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 8


Arrived---At Gravesend. rob. [fill; and 11ns:burgh C'astlet. Camber.

latol, &urn Bengal. At Deal, 5 Is. I r Ilosposs. Irian (lino ; Vigilant, Walton;

Ariel. Austin; anti l'ael:ct, Skidisug, from :tlauritius; Appoline, Rogers; and (ilettal von, Alarshall, front Sni.2apore, I,iverpool, flits, Ititikely, Solite, from lteteztl. At I, 3Ist, front Ilenkail. At Si. I Ielmut, Dec. Slits, Robert Fu:ten, NI"Aliehttel. from China; Cambyses, Iloteltesett, from sitigapore; ifsltu, Itilto». from Bengal ; anti (111,son, troto the Cape. At the Cape, lb,, tith,

chilli, Lockett ; Rose, Baylis; and Illand, Ctallett. from 1.iver1sool; lOth, Smith, from London; 12511, lborer, l'routlfoot; toot (Ietteral Scott, Cunningham, (rum Bengal ; natl 13th. Ihatiketi Nloor, Smith, from 1,molon. At 111autrilins, Nov.. 7th,

Ileten Jane, 31.1Mtvall, sit,, 1,iverpool; Candy, from Bristol ; Meg

MerrileS, ; ssisst 14111, Candler, ilsan 11.ontlim; and 2241, Lady or il lists', Ils4,-) Hug, the Clyde. At Vau Diemen's Lana, Recovery, .lohnston; Aorta. frobertrsoll, 1;egeni, livans; Anil Itoltiot. Losslion; 31' Neill, hem the CI.; ; Alis-ss liroolis, S.1111; Lally Lillliursl, KerlsosIII; soot IN. Corey, lilently, rrion Al New South Wales..111elrose, Nieholson;

Nlagnet. Watt ; Letitia, 111ael: ; Anderson ; Sultan, Poole ; Christina,

cs-lit OWt Os, nett, 1,osisIon; Boyal liraNeS; Alla AirbOIS• ford, IliCks. frons Lirisrpossl. Cultist-t'risssu Ii erpool, IsIs. 1,1, Graham; :Dia Bury ILtytley, Webb, for Bengal ; 4111, 111,111.ey, tor 1.111,1■1; muul t:rown, Kerr, no Bombay.